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favorite DigiQuatics Love

"Before DigiQuatics, we weren’t working with data, we were working with paper."

Steve Hanson, Aquatics Coordinator, City of Northglenn, CO

"With the assistance of just an iPad, ​DigiQuatics has enabled our on-site pool managers to effortlessly record and track chemical readings."

Bryan Meyer, Recreation Supervisor, Town of Superior, Superior, CO

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Top leaders in aquatics use DigiQuatics

DigiQuatics saves organizations an average of 752 hours and 3,637 sheets of paper annually, allowing them to focus on what matters.

To learn more about how DigiQuatics streamlines operations read the case studies now!

"Before using Digiquatics, we had all of our risk management information in 3 different places at our facility and were written manually. With Digiquatics, we're now able to consolidate our chem readings, off-rotations checklists, and scheduling into 1 place. This has made us more efficient in finding out what is happening at the pool and how to handle problems and figuring out any troubleshooting with staff."