Shift Reports

Your one-stop-shop for simple staff communication

Simple report submission from anywhere

Streamlining communication between staff has never been easier with DigiQuatics. Staff can submit reports from the mobile devices, or workstation tablets and computers. They can even attach documents such as incident reports, facility inspections, and more with the click of a button!

"DigiQuatics has simplified our records and cut down on our paperwork! We love it!"

Stay in the loop with instant report notifications

Need to follow up on an accident report that was submitted at another site? Simple. DigiQuatics can automatically notify you via email or text when a shift report is submitted, so follow-up is straightforward and timely.

Quickly filter and search for past reports

DigiQuatics automatically tags reports based on topics found in the content so you can easily search for them at a later date. Optical character recognition (OCR) is used for intelligent indexing of shift report attachments including PDFs, office documents, and images. Simply handwriting “starfish” on a scanned PDF can be searched and found instantly.

Smart Tagging automatically categorizes shift reports by topic

Do your reports commonly mentioned keywords in them? It’s easy to find shift reports related by topic with “smart tags” from DigiQuatics. Shift Reports are automatically tagged by relevant keywords so finding reports related to “rescues” or “training” is typing a keyword away!

146,647 shift reports filled out.

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"Digi has eliminated paper from my pool."